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Writer's pictureGillian Diplock

The Rise of Gig Economy: Exploring A New Trend in Employment

Remote Workspace for a freelancer, a metaphor for South Africa's new free freelancing platform created by Vital Element Recruitment Agency

The “gig economy” is a term that describes a labour market where short-term contracts or freelance work are more prevalent than permanent jobs.

In this type of economy, individuals work on a project-by-project basis, often juggling multiple jobs at once. This is facilitated by digital platforms that connect freelancers with potential clients.

Key Characteristics of Gig Work:

  • Variety: The gig economy includes a wide range of jobs, from ride-sharing and food delivery to programming and design.

  • Independence: Gig workers are typically independent contractors, which means they’re responsible for their own taxes and benefits.

  • Global Reach: Thanks to digital platforms, workers can offer their services to clients around the world, not just in their local area.

  • Flexibility: Workers have the freedom to choose when, where, and how much they work.

The Advantages vs Disadvantages of Gig Work for Employers:

The gig economy presents both advantages and disadvantages for employers.

Advantages for Employers:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Employing gig workers can be more cost-effective as it eliminates expenses such as employee benefit packages, retirement plans, and paid sick leaves.

  • Flexible Labor Force: Gig workers can be hired on demand, allowing companies to scale quickly in response to fluctuations in demand.

  • Access to a Wide Range of Skills: The global reach of the gig economy allows employers to access a diverse range of skills and expertise.

Disadvantages for Employers:

  • Reliability and Dependability: Gig workers, due to the nature of their work, may not show the same level of commitment as full-time employees.

  • Higher Compliance Risks: Employers need to be clear on all the regulations and laws governing independent contractor status.

The Advantages vs Disadvantages of Gig Work for Job Seekers:

The gig economy presents both advantages and disadvantages for Job Seekers.

Advantages for Job Seekers:

  • Flexibility: Gig work provides flexibility in terms of when, where, and how much one works. This allows individuals to balance work with other commitments and interests.

  • Variety: Gig work can offer a wide range of job opportunities, allowing individuals to explore different fields and roles.

  • Skill Development: Working on various projects for different companies can help workers expand their skill sets.

Disadvantages for Job Seekers:

  • Job Security: Gig work often lacks the job security that comes with traditional employment.

  • Lack of Benefits: Gig workers typically do not receive the benefits that full-time employees do, such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans.

  • Income Instability: The income from gig work can be unpredictable, which can make financial planning challenging.

Why Choose Gig Work Over Stable Employment?

Employers and job seekers are gravitating towards the gig economy for several reasons:


  • Employers can reduce costs associated with full-time employees, such as benefits and retirement plans.

  • The gig economy allows businesses to quickly scale their workforce in response to business needs.

  • With geographical restrictions removed, employers can tap into a global talent pool.

Job Seekers:

  • Gig workers have the freedom to choose when, where, and how much they work.

  • Gig workers have autonomy over the projects they take on and can set their own rates.

  • The gig economy offers a wide range of job opportunities, allowing individuals to explore different fields and roles.

What’s the Difference? a Comparison Between Permanent Employees and

Gig Workers:

A side-by-side infographic comparing permanent employees and gig workers. On the left, under “Permanent Employees,” there are icons representing stability, benefits, and fixed working hours. Text highlights include “Full-time employment,” “Company benefits like health insurance and retirement plans,” and “Fixed schedule and salary.” On the right, under “Gig Workers,” icons represent flexibility, independence, and varied income. Text highlights include “Freelance or contract work,” “No company benefits,” and “Flexible hours and project-based income.”
A side-by-side infographic comparing permanent employees and gig workers.


Areas Where Gig Workers are Effectively Utilised:

Gig workers are ideal for projects with a defined scope and timeline. This could include tasks such as website development, graphic design, or marketing campaigns.

  • Project-Based Work: Gig workers, also known as freelancers or independent contractors, can be a valuable asset as they offer flexibility and can be a cost-effective solution for certain roles and tasks.

  • Seasonal Work: If your business has busy periods followed by quieter times, gig workers can help manage the increased workload without the need for long-term commitments.

  • Specialised Skills: If you need expertise in a specific area for a short period, hiring a gig worker with that skill set can be more cost-effective than training an existing employee or hiring a full-time specialist.

  • Administrative Tasks: Many administrative tasks such as data entry, scheduling, or bookkeeping can be outsourced to gig workers.

  • Content Creation: Freelance writers, photographers, and videographers can provide high-quality content for your marketing efforts.

  • IT Support: Gig workers can provide IT support services, helping to maintain your organisation’s tech infrastructure.

Do I Need to Hire an Employee or Gig Worker? 7 Questions to

Ask Yourself:

  1. What is the nature of the work I need done? Is it a one-time project or an ongoing task? Is it core to my business or peripheral?

  2. How much control do I need to have over the work? Do I need to control the process and methods of work, or just the final product?

  3. What is my budget for this role? Can I afford the additional costs associated with hiring an employee, such as benefits and taxes?

  4. Do I need the work done at a specific location or during specific hours? Or can the work be done remotely and at any time?

  5. How long do I need the worker for? Is this a short-term need or a long-term commitment?

  6. What skills does the worker need to have? Are these skills readily available in the job market, or are they specialized and hard to find?

  7. How quickly do I need to scale up or down? Do I anticipate needing more or fewer workers in the near future?

In the rapidly evolving world of work, gig employment is not just a trend, but a testament to the future. It’s a dynamic ecosystem that brings together talent and opportunity, fostering innovation, flexibility, and growth. Embracing it is not just an option, but a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in the 21st century.

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